Originally Posted by vocoder
thanks for the answers!
I get an error when trying to install the product:
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.4:
Invalid SQL:
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'executionorder' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Do I need to upgrade to the latest version of vb for this to work?
Vocoder - You'll either need to upgrade, or edit the product xml file and change all of the <plugin active="1" executionorder="5"> to just <plugin active="1">
Vbulletin 3.6 added executionorders to the plugins which is something 3.5 didn't have.
Hypothetically, this modification should work on 3.5, but I'm only offering support for 3.6 boards due to the complexity of the modification.
Originally Posted by Tralala
Thanks for the consideration. I suppose I could go in and rename these things myself to get them to coexist peacefully... but figured I'd request it for the benefit of others.
You've got some kick ass ideas!! Thank you!!!
I had planned on a future version getting this to coexist with subscribed forums/threads. So if you subscribed to a thread that email integration was turned on in, you would be able to reply to the email you get for subscribed threads

, and it's definatley in my brain for a future version.
The new thread only thing is kick ass as well! And should not be hard for me to code at all! I'll add it to my list and it should make it into 2.0
I want to let 1.x ride a little bit to find out what other email programs are not behaving well before I start on 2.0 though
Keep the suggestions coming!!