Originally Posted by minimalize
oh.. wow. thanks a lot to you andrew! I will try it the next few hours! Is there a way to donate to you?
I just realised that the plugin is designed to work with version 2.2.8, and will not work correctly with 2.2.7 unless you make a small edit to the release code. I'm not sure which version you are running.
If you are using 2.2.7, edit the file local_links.php, which is in your main forums directory.
find (at line 2194)
// About to start - last chance to change things...
($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('ldm_download_begin')) ? eval($hook) : false;
and move these two line up, so that they are just before line 2124
// Access as a regular link if:
// in force redirect mode
// full url and not a known mimetype
// qualified mimetype (a la Sourceforge)
// local file, not a known mimetype, and neither local_file_root nor local_file_root_prefix is set