Originally Posted by vissa
I'm using this as a glorified contact-us. I noticed with 3.6.5 (patched) that guest forms are NOT being posted to the forum. If a member uses the forum, it works fine. If a guest uses it, it looks like it goes through ok but nothing shows up. Any ideas?
Turn off your image verification in vbulletin options and your issue B solved...
Good luck
So I'm still having problems getting the forum answers to show up. I have it set up to where after submitting the form, a new thread is created. For the most part it works fine, but not all the questions show their answers.
Upload your form in txt format and I will C if I can fix your issue...?
pbmansion,,, U can make your form a colossus monster if U want, I have several forms that have 30 questions and many more that are Godzilla's...
There's no limit, the problem is making them work properly and keeping the rif raf scum, scabs, spammers and leechs out...