Originally Posted by MrZeropage
can you reproduce this ? does this happen with all games ? you used always the same game ?
Please tell me exactly how to do this ...
can't see a problem right now
Yes every game.
Originally Posted by Talking Poker
My arcade has done this since the day I installed it. I kind of assumed it was a known bug.
For me, it's all games.
Basically, the high score updates fine but the TIME always stays the same as the first time the player played the game.
Yes that's EXACTLY the problem. And usually the first time you play a game the time is fast cause you're just learning...
I just changed to "only save user's best score" last week and noticed this bug today. So I thought it was 2.6.2+ bug but obviously this has existed longer (as you said).
Btw, it's not actually the FIRST TIME you ever got. If you get
better time and score then it changes to that. I just tested this on a game on my forum. I had never played this game before.
On my first try I got 12 points and my time was 1:51.
On my second try I got 13 points and my time was 1:34.
On my third try I got 66 points and my time was over 5 minutes.
What does it say on high scores?
It says
66 points and time
Basically it can be considered a cheat. The first time you can kill yourself and just try to get it done as fast as possible (0 score but very fast time). Then you play real and focus and get a good score and you have an impossible time. And when you have the same score time counts...