Originally Posted by Alfa1
Could you please answer this:
(about searching)
I'm sorry, I missed your question the first time round.
The syntax for the search urls is as follows:
with some or all of these parameters:
&desc=0/1 [search descriptions]
&keys=0/1 [search keywords]
&searchdate=0/-1/N [any date/since last visit/last N days]
&filetype=typelist [filetypes, comma separated]
&catlist=n1,n2,n3[list of category ids to search]
&childcats=1 [also search child categories of those selected]
&beforeafter=1/-1 and newer/and older
&sort=N/n/h/30/6/1/D/d/R/r/U/u [Title (ascending)/Title (descending)/Hits (overall)/Hits (30 days)/Hits (7 days)/Hits (24 hours)/Date created (ascending)/Date created (descending)/Rating (ascending)/Rating (descending)/Submitter (ascending)/Submitter (descending)]
There are some other switches too, but that's probably all you need.
Originally Posted by Alfa1
And this:
(about tab colouring)
Just to clarify: I want to find the category id variables to have the right tab be highlighted when a member is in a certain category of LDM.
Give me a couple of days to look at this - I've not see this hack before.