Hacks to fully customize memebers profile?
Hi everybody!
(first sorry for my english, i'm french)
I'd like to know something.
I did a research on the forum and found lots of things that could be ok for whati want to do, but there is so much hacks, that i don't really know which one will works fine with vb 3.65, which one is better etc....
So here here is what i would like my vbulletin forum does....Can you tell me for each one which one hack is the best (with a link if possible)? It' has to be comaptible with the 3.65 version at least (even if it's not officially supported).
1) Possibility to add a photo gallery in profile, with possibility to write a title and possibility for members added as "buddies" to add comments on each photos. I would like the photo to be thumbs gallery, but could be see fully cliking on it (like with a zoom or something like that)
2) Possibility to receive/send friends request. If you are not accepted, you can't see the member's profile.
3) Add a personal chat in the profile zone, (not a shoutbox) like it exists on myspace.
4) Possibility to let comments on memebers profile (it can be like in myspace, for that, it's not a problem)
7) possibility to report a profile to moderation (for instance, if a picture is a X picture, or if something is wrong on the profile in général)
8) possibility for admin and moderator to delete pictures etc... on members profile if there is a problem with them
9) possibility to set profile on private or public
10) creation of blogs in profile
Thx guys
p.s: i know that something called "myspace profile" could be fine, but i hate what it looks like (as much as i hate it on myspace) especially the background, coz i don't want the background change