Originally Posted by TheMasterG
One thing I've noticed, I reset the max users online, used to be ridiculously high and inaccurate, immediatly I get a new figure for the time that I did the reset , BUT, it still seems to be including the spiders in this figure as the forum shows 10 members and maybe 10 guests, but most users online after reset shows 100+ ?
Ok, well there are only 3 places I know of where this can happen. The admincp (which my mod stops from updating the total), the who's online display, the main forum display, and the vbadvanced module (if you are running vbadvanced). If for example you are running vbadvanced and forgot to edit this module, it will be reseting the totals for you.
Can you confirm that you aren't running vbadvanced, and that you don't have any other areas of your forum where the maxonline is displayed (or updated)? Also, which version of vb are you running? If you are running pre 3.6.6 there is different code, but I wasn't able to test this because I'm running 3.6.7.
Originally Posted by SnitchSeeker
My stats are falsely inflated, but not by more than a couple hundred at most. If I reset it, the figure would be incredibly low and inaccurate, so I don't know which is worse. My boards were WAY more popular 2-3 years ago than today. The reason I know this (other than the inflated "most users" stat) is we had over 100 new users registering each day. Now we have maybe 30-50 on average. "Most users online" currently shows 1,786 (dated 2 years ago) and most of late is around 1,000 less. 
Originally Posted by SnitchSeeker
I just noticed I am running 3.6.5 and not 3.6.6. Do you think it will be ok for me to install it?
It should work, though I'm not able to test it - there's a note in the installation instructions about pre 3.6.6 sites.
Originally Posted by SnitchSeeker
PS. I think it would be cool to show how many bots/spiders are online in the "Currently Active Users" stats. As an addition after "__guests" like (42 members, 192 guests and 63 spiders)
Actually this mod was designed not to even offer that as an option. I'm reusing the same query, so there's no additional overhead. To start getting fancy means to depart from the original design goal of this mod - simplicity and speed. I've never understood why people want to know the number of spiders on their board - it's a totally meaningless number - you could have 500 yahoo slurp spiders crawling one page per session, or you could have a single spider crawl 500 pages in a single session. What's more important to check is the spider activity in your weblogs - it really doesn't have any place in your online users in vbulletin.