Originally Posted by keyness
Well both are incorrect. For more than 30 minutes, it just showed maximum 5 members and only 1 guest (and another proof, more than 20 guests enter forum just via google in an hour)
Ok, I've now attached an additional file called spider_test.php, you can run this from any forum directory. It will test your installation and basically show you the things that I have been describing to you about this issue (regarding when I asked you to verify your doubts by looking into the session table). Since this file shows you directly what is in your session table, but classified according the spider type, you should be able to see that the statistics being reported are the true statistics.
This file is also useful for anyone else who doubts that this mod is working, or for anyone who wants to find new spider strings to add to their spiders_vbulletin.xml.
Originally Posted by TheMasterG
This is the who's online hack I've been waiting for, much simplier and truer than others out there. Like you, I just want to hide the spiders, my users won't care to see what spiders are on the site so no reason to display them IMO, great hack, installing now 
Thanks for your encouraging words. Within an hour of this mod being released 3 people rated it "Terrible" via the rating system, but nobody had actually downloaded it. I for one use the rating system when I'm deciding whether to install a mod, so I was puzzled as to why 3 people would have done this (without even looking at the mod). But anyway, I'm glad there are people out there that do understand why this mod is a little different and like it for exactly what it is.
Originally Posted by SnitchSeeker
This looks like an EXCELLENT mod!
But honestly, it's more than I want. For example, I don't want to reset my max users online stats and I believe I already have a mod to not show spiders as guests.
Mainly, I am looking for some way of hiding certain html code in my templates from spiders (or showing them custom code), as you show in this example:
<if condition="$session[spider] == 1">Come into my parlour, said the spider to the fly</if>
How can I do that without resetting or changing the other stuff?
Well actually, it sounds like this mod is not more than you want, it's exactly what you've been looking for, and it does exactly what you need. If you believe that you already have a mod that excludes spiders, then disable it - because this mod does that as well, but probably with less overhead to your forum.
It seems like your only beef with this mod is that it will reset your max online statistics when it installs? The reason it does this is because your max online statistics are probably false! Even if other mods remove the spiders from your display, are they stopping the artificially high number from inflating your max online statistics? Even if they stop it at the front end, have they also thought to stop it in the back end as well? Because as soon as you login to your admincp the wrong statistics will be recorded! My mod stops the admincp from updating this number, even if you haven't done the optional manual edit in the admincp.
But if you still want to disable the reset of the maxonline, simply download the .xml file and remove the entire block that looks like this:
<code version="*">
<installcode><![CDATA[// Each time we install we'll zero out the max online counter.
$vbulletin->maxloggedin['maxonline'] = $totalonline;
$vbulletin->maxloggedin['maxonlinedate'] = TIMENOW;
build_datastore('maxloggedin', serialize($vbulletin->maxloggedin), 1);]]></installcode>
<uninstallcode />
Delete it, then save the .xml file. Now when you install it, it won't touch your (falsely inflated) max online stats.