This looks like an EXCELLENT mod!
But honestly, it's more than I want. For example, I don't want to reset my max users online stats and I already have a mod (vbBOL) that shows spiders as spiders in the "who's online" page.
Mainly, I am looking for some way of hiding certain html code in my templates from spiders (or showing them custom code), as you show in this example:
<if condition="$session[spider] == 1">Come into my parlour, said the spider to the fly</if>
Can I install this without resetting stats? Or do you know of another way that I can change code in templates for spiders?
I don't mind not showing spiders as guests in the "Currently Active Users" stats, I just don't want to ruin anything else.
I think it would be cool to show how many bots/spiders are online in the "Currently Active Users" stats. As an addition after "__guests" like (42 members, 192 guests and 63 spiders)