Originally Posted by xcingix
Is there ANY way I can use this on my forumhome?
I want to display the last poster's avatar and name instead of status icon on the forumhome.
I've asked on other forums and it seems noone is able to help me with this issue.
It HAS to be possible.
If anyone has any ideas please let me know... PLEASE.
I hope you meant to say forumdisplay and not forumhome because I whipped you up a little plugin you can use which will display the last posters username and avatar wherever you want in the forumdisplay (threadbit) so you can replace the statusicons with this.
Basically will do the same as the original hack but instead displays the last poster and avatar. It's 7:40 am and I'm tired as crap so I didn't make it pretty and didn't even make it a product file.
It works with custom avatars, filesystem avatars, and forum stock avatars. If your users do not have an avatar it will display the noavatar.gif that you will need to upload to your misc image directory.
I'm not hi-jacking this thread and I am offering 0 support. You just seemed desperate for a modification like this so I thought I'd be nice. I might release it as it's own hack if there's a demand.
On a side note, I sent the original author a new copy of his hack which worked with filesystem and db avatars back in May but I guess he opted not to release it *shrug*
Anyway xcingix, you can download your own personal mod
Only thing I can think of that may suck for you is if you're using table prefixes, think I forgot to add that to a couple lines in the first query because, well, I'm tired