Originally Posted by Attilitus
(Not that they are shortcomings for us all, but they stop some people from buying the product.)
Crawlability INC. has a right to choose which type of boards can use their product. The product allows you to gain better rankings in serarch engines. In a way vBSEO handles the sites most marketing strategies and Crawlability Inc choose not to market some type of boards which are all mentioned in EULA. Only respective companies can choose this way because if they didn't have an EULA like this they will easily double their sales. But respect is way more important then money. You shall realise this also...
Originally Posted by Attilitus
How did he steal the ENCODED code of vbSEO. There are no reliable means of decoding the latest ioncube and zend encryption methods. There has never been an open source pirated version of vbseo. The pirated version that was released was actually encrypted, but the licensing system was circumvented.
You are really funny
Did i say he steal the code ? No ...
What i say , i cant have any claim like that because i have no chance to check both products codes.
But what i say is on the feature area. Every feature is same with vBSEO even most of the feature names are same. Even a 6 year old kid can see this.