This is just the hack i was looking for AND more. I read earlier about sombody wanting to get this hack to work on a differnt domain but on the same server, well I just got this puppy to work on an entirly DIFFERNT server than our MySQL db is on!
Our frontpage and our BBS are hosted on two differnt servers so I needed to find a way to do this. After having no prior experience with MySQL/PHP it took me awhile to learn how to give our frontpage server permisson to access the vBulletin db on the BBS server, but after about 30 mins of scanning the docs online I was able to do it and it works like a charm. All I had to do was add a new GRANT command and make a copy of the config.php file and toss it on the frontpage server, edit that to point to our BBS server instead of 'localhost', and that was that.
So again, wonderfull Job tubedogg. I just saw your who's online hack which im about to try out as well, im sure ill get the same success. Thanks again.