Originally Posted by sybakaos
I have a fix to position scrollbar at bottom when a new message is posted by anyone:
1) open template mgc_chatbox and change
to 2) open up mgc_chatbox.js and change
if (currentRefreshType == 'forced' && chats_order) {
if (1) { // if (currentRefreshType == 'forced' && chats_order) {
Enjoy it!
I might have badly understand the problem.
What your telling me is that you want the scroll to go down when there are new messages ?
If yes then, I disagree with that coz if you're scrolling along all messages, and you're reading them you would really not appreciate that the scroll goes down while you're reading.
And your fix seems odd to me, changing a condition to just 1 could mess up with other functionnalities. However I might not have understood your problem so let's see !