Originally Posted by keyness
Come on mfyvie, I'm not a newbie at all
Well, I also have "who has wisited today" add-on, it shows the user's last activity time when you hover on nickname. I've counted more than 10 while who's online page shows only 5 members and 1 guest.
I'm not suggesting you are a newbie. I thought myself that I wasn't showing enough guests, but when I checked it was correct.
Are you saying the display of the members or the guests is incorrect? At first you said it was guests, then you bring up the point about your who has visited today mod which gives you information on members. My mod does nothing at all to the display of members.
If you still doubt the mod, best to look into the session table. Which version of vb are you running? It makes a difference because two different sets of code run depending on the version.