Originally Posted by sybakaos
Thanks, I'll keep updating you and hit install right away.
'issue 1' I found is (using oldest lines on top):
- The scrollbar only goes to bottom when you yourself makes a new chatline. If anyone else makes a chatline, the scrollbar doesn't go to bottom.
'issue 2'
- when a user disables chatbox from withtin their UserCP, the entire bit is gone (ie. can't enable anymore because the option to do so is gone).
It seems the statistics on index are 'live'. Can you make those stats fixed like for example, postcount? The stats are gone after a /dell all for example.
Issue 1 : Yes this is known issue already reported by others, I have to search the cause.
Issue 2 : Ok, will check that out !
Stats : stats are calculated dynamically and are not stored anywhere, this is the reason

The problem with doing no dynamical stats would be the add of one query at each new shout which is really anoying coz 1 query + 1 query + ... makes a lot of queries.
Originally Posted by Adam21
Line 351 relates to some template codes,i dont think it causes that
Any ideas please? 
Ok, I'll have a look

(So much things to have a look I hope I won't forget any

Originally Posted by matDDH
I went back in and reinstalled / overwrite some the files and i still have the same issues.
WOL is not showing anything its just blank
Team chat doesnt blink either.
Even if these issues can not be fix im sticking with your chatbox its the best.
It don't even tells you that your are the only user in the chatbox ?
For the blinking, how did you test it ?
Originally Posted by J1755EC6A244
Why MGC Chatbox 1.3 don't Auto refresh, I chose Yes on MGC Chatbox : General Options with Refresh Time (in seconds) : 30, I use Firefox and IE 7 ?
How can you fix it ?
Originally Posted by sybakaos
Goto vBulletin Options, MGC Chatbox: Advanced Options
There's are two options:
Inactive mode activation & Inactive mode time period
Those determine whether autorefresh works after given minutes.
Actually you are not exactly right sybakaos.
The auto refresh is not dependant of the idle mode this is the idle mode which block the auto refresh and then show an idle message.
J1755EC6A244, when you say that autorefresh doesn't work, what have you done to tell that ?
What happens when you click on the refresh button ?