Originally Posted by mfyvie
How are you sure that there are 10 active users? The other 4 may be spiders, or they may be inactive. Which view was this? Check both the front page of your forum, and the who's online display - in the first 15-30 minutes these may report different numbers. If you still don't believe it, you can manually check the session table in the database (however, this also shows sessions that are inactive). In the column "spider" you'll see -1, 0 or 1. 1 means spider, -1 means non-spider and 0 means that it hasn't decided yet (happens on new installs for inactive sessions). I wouldn't be so quick to pronounce something wrong with the mod, it could simply be that you have less "real users" than you thought 
Come on mfyvie, I'm not a newbie at all
Well, I also have "who has wisited today" add-on, it shows the user's last activity time when you hover on nickname. I've counted more than 10 while who's online page shows only 5 members and 1 guest.