Hi mates...
i have a big problem after I changed my server...
in a nut shell i can say that if users use quick replay, quick editing post, and vbshout 2.1 polish sights : ążłą?ż
vbulletin can't post it ...
only i can se
or this circles rotated around and nothing else...
@ shoutbox i can see
Posting is in progres
but even if i wait 10 minutes it cant send to the database it ...
but if users use ordinary replay the can do it
i did'nt install any new hack / mods
and in the past i have the same problem but admin hostings repair it but now i have my own dedicated server and i can't do it
server information :
# Version mysql server: 4.1.10-standard-log
# ver. protocool: 10
System coding marks for MySQL: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)
do you think that if i change it to na
latin1_swedisch_ci it helps
but i don't know how ..
plz replay