Originally Posted by Greek76
Here is a dumb question. I have a list or radio stations that I would like to install but how do I actually see and copy the link of it? All of them pop up with radios so you cant view the actuall link to the stream.
You have to check the code of the webpage, there should be a URL in the <embed> or <object> tag in the HTML.
Originally Posted by Greek76
How do you find the id of a station you want to play as a default? What do you add the stream url?
You need to mouseover a station you want to play and check the number that appears in the status bar of the browser.
Originally Posted by iHostile
Whats changed? iv been away for afew days n seen its been updated lol
radiostations_admin.php was updated.
Originally Posted by PoetJA-1975
hmmm - not to sound like the bigest +++++++ that ever did live - but I can't believe some people commenting negatively about this radio modification - I used vBRadio and this one is tons better IMO --- Anyway - WOW! Seems like there should be more comments like "AWESOME!" and "WOW! Thanx so much for this modification DREAM - you are a vB God!" or "Nice! Very very nice... AND Exquisite... Thanx!" and perhaps even "Wow! If only I had the money to send that $300+ donation I would..."
Thanks Jacquii
Originally Posted by RTFA
Does this "integrate with VBRadio or should we uninstall that first or No or what?
It doesn't integrate, but you can keep both at the same time if you want.