Originally Posted by frosch68
Great Hack, thanks *marked installed*
But one question:
is it possible to creat a pulldown-menu to change the stations like in vbradio ?? maybe at the bottom of the media player...
Originally Posted by Southernphuk
I like this, installed it, but it seems like it could use .. more.
hmmm - not to sound like the bigest +++++++ that ever did live - but I can't believe some people commenting negatively about this radio modification - I used vBRadio and this one is tons better IMO --- Anyway - WOW! Seems like there should be more comments like "AWESOME!" and "WOW! Thanx so much for this modification DREAM - you are a vB God!" or "Nice! Very very nice... AND Exquisite... Thanx!" and perhaps even "Wow! If only I had the money to send that $300+ donation I would..."