hello friends
i install c.box(chat program)to my home page
and want to complate the install
and this is my problem
install guide
If you host your own website with its own userbase, it is quite easy to integrate Cbox so that it automatically assigns the correct names to users logged in to your website.
If your site is PHP-based (e.g. phpNuke, vBulletin, phpBB), alter your Cbox HTML code in the following way:
...&sec=form&nme=<?=urlencode($name)?>& ;nmekey=<?=md5(' 2287d3o24i6hoc4g'.$name)?>
Where the variable $name appears, insert the variable that represents the user's name as retrieved from your userbase. This will vary depending on your CMS or forum system. After changing your code, enable user override below
my Question is where i need to add this the html cod?
And which part?
...&sec=form&nme=<?=urlencode($name)?>& ;nmekey=<?=md5(' 2287d3o24i6hoc4g'.$name)?>
my site