Originally Posted by MPDev
I'm not following you - where is a username and password being sent on every update? We don't collect or otherwise use a password to get XML data.
When watching own forum, this is ettercap output, an Ethernet Protocol sniffer. Output below is Sniffed from separate machine on ethernet, a new request with USER: / PASS: on every new post:
HTTP : <ServerIP>:80 ->
USER: <myusername> PASS: <mypassword> INFO: www.<domain>.neta
|/vaispy.php?do=xml&last=71385&r=0.4181947612238931& _=
HTTP : <ServerIP>:80 ->
USER: <myusername> PASS:<mypass> INFO: www.<domain>.neta
|/vaispy.php?do=xml&last=71387&r=0.912414499618981&_ == <IP> a
|find_conn: Probable connection attempt <forumip> -> <domain>.neta
|HTTP : <ServerIP> -> USER: <myusername> PASS: <mypass> INFO: www.<domain>neta
|/vaispy.php?do=xml&last=71387&r=0.43136405108593967 &_= <forumip>