Originally Posted by Noctavia
I think this is also what I want to do. I'd like to have the actual downloads section (ie the right column of the downloads.php page showing as a vBadvanced page more than the top stats.
On the vBadvanced site, you can find integration instructions for v2 of it:
I didn't tests v3 yet, as I didn't have the time for it and it's not yet a final release (it's an RC, Release Candidate).
Then you only need to turn off the column in the DownloadsII options. But for removing them from the home page of DownloadsII, you need to edit downloads.php (at the end of the file).
There you will find:
PHP Code:
if ($dl->statslatestfiles > 0 OR $dl->statstopcontributers > 0 OR $dl->statsmostpopularfiles > 0)
eval('$dpanel = "' . fetch_template('downloads_panel_side') . '";');
eval('$dmain .= "' . fetch_template('downloads_wrapper_side') . '";');
eval('$dmain .= "' . fetch_template('downloads_wrapper_none') . '";');
Replace this with:
PHP Code:
eval('$dmain .= "' . fetch_template('downloads_wrapper_none') . '";');