Originally Posted by Noctavia
I was wondering if it's possible to make the reply comments match the look of the standard vBulletin comments?
My vBulletin forum replies are separated (each reply is) and shows the full member account info (profile fields etc) on the right. My downloads comments aren't separated and there's no account info. I want people to think it's just part of the site.
Also, is it possible to have the reply section look like the quick reply from the forums? Mine's all smooshed up against the bottom comment.
The reply editor is already recoded to use the quick reply editor in v6.
More user info hasn't been added currently to the commentbits (except an edit feature next to the delete feature).
Originally Posted by winstone
how can I have thumbnail image for each entry in "latest files", "most popular files" section
It would also very nice if thumbnail show up in "vbAdvanced Add-On" as well
meantime I'll try to modify the codes and see if I can do it myself
btw this is a great mod, well done
Hmm, how would you place that? A decent thumbnail is way too large to place it in such a small column