Originally Posted by Terrasoft
Thanks Terra

that is what we went with!
shortly after posting this message my co-admin found the inferno box and we installed it right away so I forgot that I had posted this
Originally Posted by da420
There's three. All are very user friendly and easy to use. All three are very well done by good coders who have thus far supported their modifications. Personally, I use the MGC Chat Box as it has all/most the features I want/need plus more, and the ones it does not have are on the to-do list for the mod. I suggest you do the same, and compare all the viable options and see which one best suites your needs, as all of them are very good, and as long as you read and follow the instructions which are written quite clearly and straight forward you really shouldn't have any problem installing either one of them.
I spent a couple days trying to install the MGC box... the result is as a noob I am screwed... it never worked on my site and has been a pain trying to get rid of...
of course I have myself to blame... it's my own fault for never asking for help in the thread where it is posted but I tell you I hated that I had to go into templates and edit things that I had no clue what I was working with...
and now that I have been trying to get rid of it (prolly the wrong way) I keep finding yet another thing and another thing and another thing that I have to delete or change in order to get the sucker off my board... that thing is the bigggest hassle I have had on my board yet.
Originally Posted by Dismounted
It has, but Inferno Tech's the newer one.
what newer one?