Originally Posted by Quantnet.org
Can we set up permission so that guests can join the chat as well ?
You mean just see and not chat ? If this is what you mean then it is not possible on the version 1.2 but corrected in the 1.3 which will be released very soon.
If you want to allow them to chat then it is actually possible if you set the permissions for nonregistered users.
Originally Posted by chillingcafe
I am having the same problem with images i cannot see the team and nornal images as well as mgc image in archives
Originally Posted by vnairp11
I noticed it was because of the images missing and firefox automatically takes the links away i think only the images are linked not the actual titles bbcode smileys etc.
i uploaded the team icons to fix the img issue within the shoutbox but i dono how to fix it for the bbcode smileys etc.
As told in the Readme file, you must upload the images files in all your styles