^ In the future there
might be a chance of adding break.com, but that will be once
The Geek finishes the coding that he is adding to the Hack now. The coding will allow for the Hack to extract information from the site's content for those sites that do not have the information required to create an embed code in their URL Links. See below for clarification ...
Break.com URL for Videos
Break.com Embed Code for Videos
<object width="464" height="392"><param name="movie" value="http://embed.break.com/MzI5NTc3"></param><embed src="http://embed.break.com/MzI5NTc3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="464" height="392"></embed></object>
If you look at it, you'll see that the URL does not contain the
MzI5NTc3, which is what is needed to create the embed code. After
The Geek gets the code done, then support for this site will be available ... :up: