Originally Posted by ammoskumar
thanx NIX for upgrading  but IE pro hasnt fixed yet it still the same it want load the divX takes 4ever and still waiting 4 dailymotion....... 
PM details to your site.
Originally Posted by LightInClouds
You had sites globaly turned off.
"Enable Video Sites Globally"
Originally Posted by Tralala
Ah, that. I'm aware of quite a few hosts who have disabled the PHP option allow_url_fopen, and thus have disallowed file_get_contents()... for security reasons. (Not just Dreamhost, who I'm with.) Apparently cURL is more secure, and is a feature-rich alternative.
The good news is, in every instance that this has come up this far with other mods, I've let them know about cURL and they were able to substitute that as a solid fix/workaround. I just did a vB.org search and see plenty of instances to back this up. I'm hoping that's possible here with your mod.
And thanks again for resurrecting this excellent hack. It's very much appreciated.
I'll look into that.
Originally Posted by iogames
Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo!
Dailymotion and yahoo will require me to make a script that searches their page for the video information. The way they have it set up its not possible the normal way.