whitey thank you very very much
but here are my other problems.
1. is there away to only show certain groups on the list. there are 8 groups.
but i do not have anybody as super moderators, coppa etc so its pointless for those usergroups to show.
2. showmainmap
list users
your entry
when I press these buttons i get a error page. i think the problem is the url adress for all these buttons. because the adress on the adress bar does not match where i uploaded the files to my server. how do i change the url for each of these buttons so they are directed to the correct source.
3. in the markers.xml file, there is nothing but a code that has the word markers twice. do i need to enter any code in there? (i know i sound like a complete fool but sorry i m very new to this

4. when I got my api key from googlemap, it showed an example of some codes underneith my code and said "your page should look like this" do i do anything with that code or ignore it?
any help would be highly appreciated. thanks