I appreciate what your saying , I understood entirely what your saying I believe but again we are talking about different pages.
The page your showing in your screen shot is not the page I'm trying to add the image to, that's the page you end up on once you click the download you want after choosing the catagory .
The page I am trying to add , aww screw it let me do a screen shot.
Although in addition I can't see how your adding images to the page your talking about either. Once I upload the PDF using the "upload or link to a file" option, if I then use the upload a file option to try and add an image, it seems to upload fine but no image appears.
If i change the file name in the file name field to the name of the image I want to upload for that download then it simply overwrites the PDF that I want to be downloaded which is kinda what you would expect.
Not sure what I'm doing wrong frankly, I only see 1 upload file option so not entirely sure where the confusion is coming from.
Perhaps I have permissions set up wrong or something could you do a screen shot of the option your using to upload an image to accompany the actual downloaded file which in this case is a PDF.