I think this is a Great hack Bill, I'll first start with the simple version. There are some things I coulnd't get it work. I am sure I entered the URL in part 2 and doc roots in part 1 correctly. I don't get any php errors..: What I do get is:
- When I'm not logged in and I want to in /thishack/, the standard vBulletin login page shows instead of the login fields provided in part 2. And when I want to login, it takes me to login.php which is in /forum/ but not in /thishack/.
This hack should work in other folders on the same domain, right?
- When I am logged in (through the forum) and I hit the Logout link in /thishack/, it does take me to the vBulletin message: "All cookies cleared!" but when I go to the forum, I am still logged in.Seems to working now after I closed and reopened my FF broswer
On my server:
I am using vB 3.6.7
I already did the "Subdomains and cross site logins" (nr 4 of troubleshooting)
Anyone else has this issue or solutions for me?