Originally Posted by kyokushin4life
Redtyger, is it possible to remove the "sponsored link + box" in the postbit?(ad after 1st post etc). I just would like to put a linkunit ad after 1st post and remove the box above it with sponsored links. I hope you understand what i mean.
*I do want the ad to be enveloped by a box tho just not the one above it.
Edit your postbit_advertisement template and delete this part:
<td class="thead" style="line-height:1.5em;">
<if condition="$GLOBALS[removeads] != ''">
If that's now what you're after then it's a case of editing the template as you need.
Originally Posted by djbaxter
The problem was almost embarrasingly simple. When I upgraded to vBulletin 3.6.7 (ant then PL1), I had to revert several templates. I put back the tags for header and footer and forgot to do the same for postbit. 
We've all done it.

Template edits will hopefully not be needed in the next version.