I was just notified of a strange problem with this one.
I sent out a PM newsletter today and as always, I set the "Include users that have declined admin emails?" option to
I got a PM from a member telling me that they have their account set to decline admin e-mails, yet has received the last
two mass PM's that I sent out. (I tell users that if they don't want our mass PM's, the uncheck "Receive E-mail from Administrators" box)
I checked and they were right, their account was set to not receive them. I went to send a test mass PM to that user, and sure enough...it still would have went to him when it shouldn't have.
Thinking that it was an odd setting in his account, I then went into my own account and set my own option of "Receive Admin Emails" to NO, and then tried to send a test mass PM to my own account. It too still would have been sent to my account to me when it shouldn't have.
Since the mass PM plugin is so similar to the VBulletin "Generate Mailing List" function, I then went to generate an e-mail list using the exact same parameters as the tests above, and neither the member account mentioned above who has the problem nor did my own account show up in the generated mailing list as it is supposed to be.
I really need this to work right, I don't want anyone to be upset receiving mass PMs when they don't want them.
Can anyone help with this?