Originally Posted by Michelle
I just hope that this will be different than photopost buying vbGallery a while ago. Remember? vBGallery died since...
Please don't do this...
That's the first thing that came to my mind when I read this post. VBGallery was bought out by Photopost, because it was taking revenue from Photopost. They gave all the customers an extra year of support/downloads, but never improved the product for two years except for maintenance releases. They don't even promote the sale of VBGallery much on their site, so as to promote their own substandard photopost product.
As a novice user of VBulletin, I was impressed with the many features it had to offer, and the amazing VB Org community and support. Initially, it was a major learning curve for me to learn how to install/modify, and maintain VB over the past couple of years. It took time, money, and a lot of post reading to figure out how to create and maintain my site, but I have enjoyed the product immensely.
No matter what is said in this thread, the bottom-line is money, money, and more money. I don't blame Jelsoft for selling out, because I'm sure they were offered a large chunk of change, and they had to take it. Although, as one of my mentors once said to me, "It's not how much money you have in the bank, but it's how much income you have coming in".
Save yourself a few hits on the keyboard, and let this one go. I know I will...