I am in the market to add some sort of blog/social networking facility to my site. It is a bodybuilding site and I think members having there own "place" to let loose and be vane is what my site needs to attract and keep people interested. So...
I started looking at the possible candidates and really only found 2 and a half. I say a "half" because the vBlogs piece that vBulletin is working on is not a real product yet. With that said, I think the vBlogetin is still a beta. The last is Zoints. I have heard so many contradictory reviews about this one that it makes me leary of trying it.
The vBlogs hasn't impressed me much yet, although they seem to have enough resources to follow through. I was tempted to give vBlogetin a try but when I was about to act on my impulse, the site was not available. Geeez, somethings gotta give!
Is there anyone out there that can show me the true capabilities of vBlogetin minus all the bullcrap. People can have one bad experience with software and then they go off on this tangent. What is it that makes you want to jump ship? Just cause it won't do something for which it was never intended to do? You're still using it... There must be something good about it. Or, is it just because there is no other alternatives to choose from?
SirAdrian... Having a bit of a development background myself, I can relate to the relentless crap your subjected to by "users". All I want to know... do you have every intention of seeing this through? Will this be a product that I will display proudly on my site?