Originally Posted by gingery
Agreed! Agreed! Agreed! Add me to the "group of people who are now looking to abandon ship". I'm so frustrated with the lack of progress going on with this project. I'm very close to chalking up the fifty bucks I paid as a lost cause and moving on.
The lack of progress ?? It's seemed very reasonable to me. They may have slowed down a Little, but what do you expect for 2 ppl who prolly work full time.
Sell your vBlogetin, it's a great script, someone will buy it from you
With that said, I hadn't even noticed the site was down. I hope you don't lost your domain Adrian
Originally Posted by Morrus
Hopefully you'll be back soon, Adrian - my vBlogetin is still broken and I need help!
send me a pm, I'll get you working.