Hi, thanks for this mod, but I am having a problem.
I have edited the coppermine.php file with the following and uploaded to forum root. My coppermine folder is called photoalbum and is in the ame location as my forum folder.
$coppath = "/photoalbum/"; // Path to the gallery from the coppermine.php file
$hostname = "localhost"; // The Coppermine hostname - usually localhost
$username = "dbo1*******"; // Coopermine Database Username
$copperpass= "B*******"; // Password to the Coppermine Database
$copperdb= "db1*******"; // Coppermine Database
$prefix= "cpg148"; // Coppermine Prefix (sometimes cpg133 , or cpg11d)
$amount= "6"; // Amount of photos to select
I have edited and uploaded the index.php file as follows:
// ######################### REQUIRE BACK-END ############################
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_bigthree.php');
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_forumlist.php');
And finally I copied and pasted the code provided into the forumhome template just below $navbar.
When I try to return to my forum I get a blank page with the message "Unable to connect to the database server at this time."
I am assuming that this is because there is an error with either the hostname, db login or db password. I copied and pasted the login and password directly from the MySQL admin panel provided by my host so I am assuming the problem is with hostname.
Any suggestions would be appreciated please.