Originally Posted by criscokid
My forum is still at vb3.5.x running version Form Hack v3. I'm looking to upgrade to the latest version of vB and Form Hack v4... will my existsing forms work after the upgrade or will I need to redo them for Form Hack v4?
Criscokid, this 3.6 Form Hack by
ABE1 has some changes in the PLUGIN code...
So I would have 2 say yes U will have 2 make a few code mods 2 your old 3.5 files...{plugin code} 4 sure...
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Patrickstar, U can make a custom button in the forumshome 2 click on. It will then redirect 2 forms or Just make forms and then send guests or member straight there by linking...
ABE1 has it so that U goto this default link...
http://vbulletin.org/forums/newthread.php?do=form ...
ABE1 install intro and then goto plugin hook area as listed on last 2 pages and go from there...
Good Luck