you are actually fully greatly right..
the first statement of this thread of mine was not directly to say i wanted to be paid from IB for my implication here... i actually don't care...
if someone think i posted this because i wanted to be paid, you really have a problem of language and interpretation... sorry if my level of language is too high for you then.
the goal of my discussion was brought some times in some posts, and it is regarding the actual situation of vb.
do you know a lot of real commercial companies like this IB who keep a fan-devoted website for support ?!... name some: Microsoft, Kodak, Toyota, Esso, Michelin .... how many of them have supported fan-sites where people get support for the original service ?!... none... for one reason: they want the service and support to be located in a single place, managed by their own professionals, dealing with their own internal protocols...
so if IB continue in their own path as a real project agregator, they will not keep an eye on the volunteered guys here, so one way or the other, the support here will change, and our role as coders will change...
the best thing would be that everything released as a good product comes to be bought by the company, so they can continue to support it, or they can even hire the coders with good potential... because i think this is their goal after all... financing the evolution of vB means also to have the best coders around, not only the original team...