Originally Posted by Wayne Luke
Microsoft investing hundreds of millions into Apple Computer Inc. in the mid-90s to prevent the company from going into bankruptcy and closing.
Nah, what actually happened was that Microsoft paid Apple money for Apple to put Office and Internet Explorer on the Mac. It was a software monopoly move by Microsoft.
The money involved was US $150 million, which was certainly not to "save Apple." Apple's loss - on paper - in 1997 was about $800 million, but Apple still had a cash reserve. You have to be careful when you read financial statements.
Gates was trying to take advantage of Apple's temporary financial weakness to get Office and IE as default software products on the Mac, and further monopolize computer software in general. Part of the deal was to have Macs ship with Office installed, and with IE as the default browser.
So, Gates made a software monopoly move, Jobs said "okay, Bill," and took the money with a smile. And now, sure Office is still common on the Mac, but IE, which was supposed to be the default Mac browser, doesn't even exist on the Mac anymore (except in discontinued legacy software.) Microsoft did get access to Apple patents, but MS hasn't done piddle with that, that anybody can see, and it's been 10 years. Vista, anybody? Jobs basically took Gates to the cleaners.
But back to the vB saga. Has Internet Brands issued any official statement? The most recent thing I saw on their website was from May.