Here is my opinion. Take it or leave it... Just wait and see what happens. If VB starts going downhill, most of us will take it as a slap in the face and find another software company. I would think that phpbb would be a great place for all of you coders to start. Phpbb needs some serious help although its great for free software. Since your all doing these mods for free, why not move to a free forum?
I would agree that they should have sold to a software company. That would have been the most obvious thing to do. I think if you own a great car company and then sell it to a company dealing in lawn mowers, you may have a lot of customers raising a red flag. As for all of you coders who have put a lot of sweat and carpal tunnel into VB, your work isnt going by un-noticed.
Lets just wait and see what happens. Not that its much of a choice...