Originally Posted by FleaBag
This is fab, and there is one thing that will turn this to another level IMO.
Would it be possible for this to receive email attachments (images) and attach them to the new posts? This would allow anyone with an MMS phone to email their Media Message to the forums/site e.t.c.
Keep up the good work, thanks!
This is planned for the next few betas after I've got some bugs fixed. I plan on having a global on/off for accepting attachments and a on/off for accepting all attachment types (for example, for forwarded emails) or restricting it to only allowed image types like images
Originally Posted by AzzidReign
This is a great idea, but I'd rather have the people coming back to my site to reply to threads in hopes that another thread title will catch their attention and to get them more active on my site.
True.. the problem that we as forum lovers run into is that there are many people that due to evil work environments can only access email during the day and rarely check anything else. This is the group that LOVES mailing lists and email groups. We are missing out on a whole nother level of interaction in users with this group. If we can bring these people into the fold as well, then we increase the posts on the forums, the stuff to read, and likely convert a few of those mailing list lovers to forum readers