We are going to see an increase in price, not right away, but it will come. If anything, on paper, they need to show a positive increase in revenue over the next 12 months to make it appear as though it was a good purchase. They will increase the value of VB on paper, make the portfolio they have even better, and it will make IB a more valuable company. What better way to quickly do this than a price hike.
They bought VB out for a lot of reasons. Clearly, it's to make the footprint IB has even larger. Not only do they run some large sites (many of which use VB) they also now "Power" thousands of other sites. They will easily be able to purchase some of these large VB sites that are privately ran and this will come in the future.
Part of me is excited that we have the backing of IB. They have done some amazing things but the other half of me says "OH NO!". Clearly, they have some amazing talent on the development team for IB now. I would assume some of this talent would go to work on projects they currently have or websites they currently run. In doing so I can only hope focus isn't lost on VB.
Time will only tell!