If I may steer the thread back in the direction of Planet Earth a little... we do not deserve to be paid. We are volunteers. We knew what the arrangement was when we signed up, we did everything we have done off our own backs, without obligation.
If you do not want to contribute, then do not contribute. If you want to be paid for coding, get a coding job. If you do not want to be a volunteer, do not volunteer. If you do not want to give away work or support for free, then do not work or give support for free. I think it is fair to say that the above is common sense and everyone should have understood it without creating their own expectations.
Yes, Jelsoft do very well out of the community here. Yes, they could support it a little better. That is all you can reasonably ask for. I honestly thought this was a joke at first, I don't understand how what you are saying can make sense.