I had a neat idea, i dont know how this would be implemented, cuz im not a coder..
but the VB gurus can have a shot at this !
Many of us, are sick of people stealing our links and posts from our forums and using it on theirs.
Suppose i have a site
Suppose we have to post a download link...
On the newthread template, a link converter would be present.. The user would paste the above link into the link converter and voila ! out comes the protected link.. (Using an AJAX system)
Suppose the protected link is :
What happens in the background is, the link gets stored and mapped into the database and the user gets the protected link (
mysite.com/protector.php?linkid=11245 )
Now, when some 3rd person clicks this link
mysite.com/protector.php?linkid=11245 , if the incoming hit is from the local site mysite.com the link is converted into the original link (which is mapped into the database) and the user is forwarded to the original link
If, the hit comes from an external site (meaning somebody has copied ur link and posted on their forums) then the link would not be converted.
EVEN BETTER !!! the link would be converted to your forum address : mysite.com
Now, hows my idea, if any of you godss think this is practically possible.. please reply to this thread