Originally Posted by Ted S
That was the whole purpose of the last update. Most of the questions I'm getting these days is about extending welcome headers (which I should add is exactly what I want people to do). In any case, the if/else/if/else process becomes cumbersome with 10+ nested else statements, so I removed them and moved to this more modular version.
I don't expect this to have any negative impact but if you have any thoughts please share.
As a side note, this change was made to the 3.6 series version of this hack, the 3.5 version (this thread) was not changed.
Oops, sorry about that, I was using the search feature to find back to the 'Welcome headers' thread and didn't notice that I landed in the 3.5 section. Thanks for answering, anyways!
Well, I suppose it won't have any negative impact other than that it might be less logical to "read" and that now each and every <if> clause is being tested. Before, once an <if> clause turned true, it would break out of the whole structure and disregard the rest.