Having same issue, Game listing in Create Tourny or AdminCP manual create show blank in the game lists. However the games will show up fine when you want to edit them etc.
I have some ideas I will try, but just a bump too. Im 3.5.x
Update, if I goto the Arcade ModCP that you have built in, the games will show there. But they will not show up in AdminCP or Normal Arcade ( arcade.php?&act=Arcade&do=createtourney ) one.
And I found the bug, This may sound odd.. but I had to make a NEW category (Even tho I wont use it as I keep everything shown in the "supposed" Default one)
The Settings you MUST use to get the deafult category working again was this. (Provided you dont seperate them and just show everything)
1: Default Active: Yes, Show All: NO
2: (Named it Everything), Active: Yes, Show All: YES
Now that is kinda odd there, that its working in reverse... if I set Deault to show all then it will only let me choose the "Everything" group to put games in.
Because of the Category issue, (It had NONE to go in till I did the above) it was unable to pick a game to make a tourny for. (Unless you used Arcade ModCP which uses a diff module act to run)
Thoughts personaly? i think something in the Arcade.php for the Category is off. Like I said, its working in reverse, and needed another group to be made just to be able to select things with. Hope that helps. I know I am back online again.