Originally Posted by Dismounted
But that code is still the property of the original author. vB.org doesn't have ownership of it.
that's bad, but PHP is PHP, a coder does not have any legal ownership on code not released by his own ... when you release something on a site like vb.org, even if you think you are protected, Jelsoft is the only resource that is the owner of the release. this is not GPL here, remember...
a good example is my old work... i released some addons in the past, and Jelsoft took the code OR inspired themselves a LOT to integrate the 'idea' and 'functionality' inside the new release, even without my own consent... they did not have to care, and i did not care either... i worked some code included in a software.
(example of my work included in 3.6: creation date for threads ordering, posts hits for all in threadbits, thread preview options)
Originally Posted by Alfa1
I suspect that in many cases the original author will have no problem with his/her creation being revived if credits are passed on.
most of the time, the coder vanished, that's why they are in the graveyard... why ask for conscent when the guy do not want to hear from vb anymore...
and actually, credits are passed or not, i don't care.. the guy vanished, he does not want to be credited... when someone wants credits, he pass over his work in public.