Ok I see the .# doesnt show in the TS so thats not really and issue but I still cant import the plugins... They just sit there pumping out those Yellow status bars forever. I've rednloaded them just in case they were corupted but no go. Are they dependent on the Tables that were created in Database. Maybe My tables arent right ? I dont know I'm stumped and tired. Thanks for your reply I appreciate it
Oh BTW no More
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: vb_xml_parser in E:\rFactor\includes\functions_gteamspeak.php on line 364 errors but the plugins still dont load. I assume they should load rather quickly. Am I not wainting long enough? I waited about 2 or 3 minutes, ya know I shut off error reporting in php.ini thats probably why I dont see theXML Parsing error. So thats where the problem is bro I dont have any idea how to fix it...