Originally Posted by 4x4 Mecca
Well someone else thumbs up'd the post, so it had +1. Then later I thumbs up'd it, so it had +2. Then today I wanted to test the ordering thing some more, so I clicked thumbs down on the thread with 2 thumbs up, and it went to zero. It may be how it's written to remove 2 thumbs per click.... but I'm not quite sure if it will do that no matter how many thumbs... I mean if 6 people click thumbs up, and 3 of them click thumbs down, will it zero it out?
well no like i explained before and you said it your self it had +1 by someone else then you added +1 so it was 2. But you decided to thumb down, that means you take away your original +1 and then -1. Like you could of just not thumbed it up in the first place and thumb it down and it would of been zero too
