Ok all. Thank me later... I solved it.. Good ol by hand jury rigging.
Ok here is what I have. I am a 3.5.x VB user. I do NOT store Avatars and Profile pics in the database, I have them in the Filesystem (Aka to those who dont know, its in admincp - Attachments - Storage type. Taking the files from the SQL database to a ftp type server basically.
Now then if your having the issue of you cant find a variable, command etc to get the profile pics to show up or avatar pics to show up in the UserCP "Myspace" looking template. Here you go.
<td style="border-style:solid;border-width:1px;" class="vbmenu_control">
<div>Profile Picture:</div><img src="customprofilepics/profilepic$bbuserinfo[userid]_1.gif" alt="$vbphrase[your_profile_picture]" border="0" /><br /><div>Avatar:</div><img src="customavatars/avatar$bbuserinfo[userid]_1.gif" alt="<phrase 1="$bbuserinfo[username]">$vbphrase[xs_avatar]</phrase>" border="0" /><br /></a></td></td>
This is my exact code used to make them show up in UserCP. Just find the same areas and look for Profile Picture: and Avatar: and its whats next to them that matters, just gave you the rest of the code so you know where it fits in.
Now then, since we filesystem users cant seem to use image.php that means we are stuck..
well I learned how VB was working this. In the FTP for the folder "customavatars or customprofilepics"
You will notice the file names, the file name MATCH the userid #.
So added the extra chars it needed, and vola, when the forums load it up, as you can see it loads the path, avatar(that I wrote in manually in the template), the user ID number, then -1.gif and vola!
It works! Now mind you I will mention this as I can see a issue already.
This is pre defined for Custom Avatars and Profile pics ONLY.
Meaning if you have "Set" avatars to select in your forum.. you would need to code it differently.
I can only guide you part way here.
But least I have a REAL answer for you on how to code it if your a filesystem user.
You should be able to use this code out of the box, provided your vb install was the same as normal installs. If not, alter the path. Any questions, let me know. =)
Btw.. mine is tad tricker.. as im giving users the option to choose which type of usercp they want to use.. not to mention I have them able to change avatar types from normal avatar to xbox live gamertag as a avatar, controlled within usercp. =)
Anyways does this help out anyone?